Bwindi’s impenetrable forest is a renowned refuge for endangered mountain gorillas. It is said to be Africa’s oldest rainforest and world-renowned for its excellent gorilla-sighting opportunities – the forest is home to half of the remaining mountain gorillas on Earth. This gorilla experience takes place among a rugged landscape of dense jungle, cascading waterfalls, sparkling mountain streams, deep valleys, and steep ridges, it is the most popular destination for gorilla trekking. Visitors to Bwindi must hike through dense forests and navigate steep slopes to reach their assigned gorilla family. The challenging hike is well worth the effort, as the experience of spending time with the gorillas is truly unforgettable. The Bwindi Forest is also home to a wide variety of other animals and birds, making it a haven for wildlife enthusiasts. A visit to Bwindi Impenetrable National Park is an unforgettable and rewarding experience.